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© Raul Braga


We are involved in a long-term ecological project, called “Projeto Guaraguaçu”. Projeto Guaraguaçu started in 2014 and has the overall goal to make a comprehensive monitoring of Guaraguaçu River, a major river in the coastal floodplain basin. There is available data since 2016 of macrophyte species and their functional traits, phytoplankton species, fish species and some abiotic features. Please contact us and see the website if you want to use the data for scientific research, or to see our published documents related to this project. We are also sampling zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, fish parasites and fish diet. All samplings are carried out at the same georeferenced sampling sites. We also monitor the invasive tropical signal grass Urochloa arrecta (Hack. ex t. Durand & Schinz) Morrone & Zuloaga. We have georeferenced data since 2018 of most U. arrecta beds, with an estimation of the beds size. We are now involved in a large international project, together with researchers from Norway, France, Germany and South Africa, called MadMacs: Massive Development of Macrophytes (, in which ecological and socio-economical aspects of this tropical signal grass invasion will be evaluated as well and the costs and benefits of its control.

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